Ridesharing Insurance

For Uber & Lyft Drivers

When your Uber or Lyft app is on, your personal auto policy is suspended. When your app is off, coverage is not provided by Uber or Lyft. In both cases, there are gaps in coverage too risky to ignore, especially since you are using your personal vehicle to transport others. It is up to you to protect your car and yourself by obtaining proper coverage for any ridesharing exposure.

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Stay Protected While Transporting Others

Ridesharing exposes you and your vehicle to a number of additional risks, so it is extremely important to make your insurance company aware of the circumstances in order to avoid putting your insurance contract at risk.

At Kuzbiel Insurance Brokers, we work with a variety of insurance carriers that specialize in ridesharing in order to provide coverage options that are specific to your needs. We also review your policy at every renewal and keep you informed about any alternative offers or discounts.

Does My Personal Auto Policy Cover Ridesharing?

Ridesharing is an activity that generates income, which typically voids the terms of your insurance contract.

In most cases, no. Whether you’re a full time driver for Uber or Lyft, or do it only occasionally, ridesharing is an activity that generates income, which typically voids the terms of your insurance contract.

Some carriers allow ridesharing activity only if a special endorsement is added to your personal auto policy, for an extra charge. Others, however, have remained strict despite the growing popularity of Uber and Lyft, and will not offer a personal auto policy if there is any ridesharing activity.

It is imperative to review your policy and provide your insurance carrier with up to date information about your particular ridesharing exposure in order to find out whether your current policy provides any coverage for your ridesharing exposure.

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Do Transportation Network Companies Provide Insurance Coverage?

Both Uber and Lyft provide limited, low liability coverage while you are using the app.

Limited collision and comprehensive coverage is provided only while you are en route to pickup a rider and during the actual trip. The deductible is usually between $1,000 and $2,500.

No coverage is afforded when your app is off.

Again, coverage offered by the individual transportation networks is limited. Be sure to read the user agreement carefully before becoming a driver.

Keep in mind that even this limited coverage only complements your personal auto insurance and that you have an obligation to notify your insurance carrier about any ridesharing activity.

For more details, please visit the company websites directly:

Talk to Us!

Ridesharing coverage is a relatively recent and continuously evolving option. Each insurance company has their own rules and regulations when it comes to affording or denying coverage.

We’ll be happy to help you understand your options and discuss ways of endorsing or updating your policy to fill in the coverage gaps.

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